Saturday, December 29, 2007

Thanksgiving Cranberry Bread

Baked by Laura Kotch
Shared by our group on November 21, 2007

Dear Colleagues,

Thanks so much for another inspiring, informative and affirming study group meeting.

Here's the cranberry bread recipe I promised.

Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful to be in your company.

*3 cups flour
*one half teaspoon salt
*one half teaspoon baking powder
*one half teaspoon baking soda
*l cup sugar
*l egg beaten
*one half cup orange juice
2 tablespoons hot water
*one half cup chopped nuts
*one and one half cup cranberries, cut in half
*grated rind of an orange
*2 tablespoons melted butter

Sift dry ingredients. Add beaten egg, butter, sugar, orange juice and water. Combine till blended. Fold in nuts, cranberries, and rind of orange. Bake in greased loaf pan at 350 degrees for about l hour and 20 minutes. Makes one and one half loaf. Enjoy!

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