Saturday, December 15, 2007

Public School 214

November 21, 2007

Principal Wendy Goldberg

“We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in the process of change.

Small acts multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.”

~Harold Zinn

Our Agenda
Principal Study Group Meeting November 21, 2007
PS 214

Welcome, Breakfast, Networking

The Story of PS 214’s Journey- (Thank you to Wendy and her team)

Classroom Visits-Reading Logs Impact Teaching Practices (Goal Setting and Reflections on Progress)

Mr. Lam 4-318 Small Group Instruction
Ms. Bena 5-303 Minilesson and Partnership Conversations)

School Tour and Rave Reviews

Sharing Our Learning About Reading Logs in Our Own Schools
What are our surprises and discoveries?
How have we connected expectations to structures?
What systems have helped us link conversations to actions?

Strategies for Continuing the Conversation
*Support Structures(Next date)
*Taking Care of Ourselves and Each Other


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