Tuesday, March 18, 2008

so, here is my first attempt at blogging. wish me luck because i have no idea what will happen when i press 'send'

i know a lot of us started reading 'text savvy.' the quote i am posting is right out of the acknowledgements section. i just love it! i have this quote hanging in my office and several teachers have displayed in their classrooms as well.

We thank the people in our lives who have watched us grow up and have been our biggest fans for quite some time...we acknowledge the students who have watched us grow up as teachers in their classrooms. It was their thinking, their challenges, and their successes that probed our thinking and changed our instruction. Every student makes an impact on us as teachers and pushes us to grow as learners. So thank you to the students in our past, [present] and students in our future, for your contributions to our growth as practitioners.

- Text Savvy

- by Sarah Daunis & Maria Cassiani Iams


1 comment:

admin said...

thank you danielle for your entry! i am thrilled that there is now another blogger in our group.

the quote is a great reflective tool. it made me think about my own educational journey and the number of teachers and students who have impacted on me....

thank you for sharing.